

Weekend Prep Steps

3F Method: Set Up Your Week for Success

Use the 3F method outlined in this resource to get ready for a great week. Weekends can slide by or they can be organized in a way to have fun and enjoy family, hobbies, friends PLUS set you up for a successful work week. This resource also includes a template to help lead your family to organize things as well. 


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Dynamics Directors' Design

Coaching and Mentoring

One size does NOT fit all–especially as a Director. Join this group for support, ideas, coaching and sharing with people who walk in your shoes every day. 

Six weekly sessions PLUS two personalized and private calls with Sharon.


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Toy Box Leadership

Leadership Course
We see toys all day every day…but have you ever thought about how you actually use ideas from your childhood as an early education leader? 
Join me as we take a look at some favorites and match them up with ideas to use everyday in leadership. Six sessions plus a private call with Sharon during the course.


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Appreciation in the Workplace

Leadership Course

Finding and keeping staff is a nation-wide issue in our industry. Providing training and orientation over and over is expensive and exhausting. Are you looking for a way to create connection and invest in your staff? Do you want them to believe they are on your team for the long term? Learn how to effectively communicate appreciation that is understood by all your staff members. A free workbook is included with this 
3-part series.


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Appreciation in the Workplace Workbook

This is a resource to accompany the purchase of the course training “Appreciation in the Workplace”. 

(This is included in the purchase of the leadership course)


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 Because of the endless copy nature of these files, there are NO REFUNDS. Having trouble downloading from your email confirmation? No problem. We’re happy to help. Shoot us an email at and we will gladly send you a replacement file.